Welcome to the Kirk Hallam Sixth Form.

At Kirk Hallam, we strongly believe that every student entering our Sixth Form has the right to the very best teaching and pastoral support to enable them to grow.

Within our Sixth Form, both students and staff always strive for the very best, accepting nothing less than excellence in all that we do — be that academics or the varied enrichment opportunities we offer.

We offer a comprehensive range of academic A-Level courses, all of which are delivered by expert teachers in their field. We supplement our academic offer with a BTEC Animal Management course taking advantage of the academy’s excellent farm facilities. Our small class sizes mean that every student is treated as an individual and receives extensive support from their teachers, whilst being supported to become independent and autonomous scholars to ensure success, both during Sixth Form and beyond. The academic curriculum we offer is challenging, and in all subjects designed to promote and celebrate intellectual curiosity and freedom.

Our student’s academic studies are complimented by an extensive Personal Development programme delivered in form groups and varied opportunities for enrichment that mostly take place on Wednesday afternoon.

The characteristics celebrated in the Academy as a whole are developed further in the Sixth Form and we reward our students when they display the following characteristics: Purpose, Respect, Intelligence, Determination and Excellence.

We encourage you to explore our website for more information and arrange to come and visit us to explore further what we can offer you for the next stage of your education.

Course Guide

We encourage prospective students to do lots of research on the subjects they are thinking of choosing to avoid any surprises once their courses start.

Your choice of A-level subjects should reflect your interests, your academic abilities, and any plans you have for your future career. We want you to be happy, healthy and successful whilst studying with us and subject choice is a key factor in all of these.

To help applicants make the right choice, they each have a guidance meeting with an admissions adviser at the application stage where their options are discussed, and also at enrolment, which takes place soon after the GCSE results have been published.

Click a subject below for full course details.


Whilst academic success is clearly a very important part of Sixth Form life, it is not the only thing we are concerned with. We also provide valuable opportunities to help develop a student’s character, interests, abilities and aptitudes through activities designed to enrich the curriculum with the aim of helping individuals to realise their potential.

Students are encouraged to get fully involved with voluntary work, in and outside the Academy, residential opportunities, fieldwork trips, specialist workshops, drama productions, educational visits, student mentoring programmes, work experience, etc. Learning for Life lessons are a compulsory part of your study programme here at Kirk Hallam.

Student Council

The Student Council plays an important role in our Sixth Form.

Elected by their peers, Council members provide the student body with an organised voice. The Council meets regularly to address issues, organise social events and feedback concerns to the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form.

In the past, the Council has worked closely with the catering manager to improve the lunchtime food provision, been instrumental in the re-introduction of a drinks vending machine and modified the Sixth Form dress code.


Making new friends and feeling part of the Sixth Form is important.

Social events take place in both Yr12 and Yr13 and we encourage the involvement of the Student Council.

Students are able to use the school Sports Hall, Fitness Suite, Tennis Courts and Artificial Grass Pitches and they are encouraged to form sports teams.

The Student Common Room is available for food and drink, relaxation, table tennis and music.

Life at Kirk Hallam Sixth Form

“At Kirk Hallam Sixth Form, we are completely dedicated to providing the best teaching and opportunities to our students. Our staff are all committed to delivering first class lessons and pastoral care. We truly believe that we can support every student to achieve the best possible grades and reach their potential, preparing them for the next stage in their educational journey — whether that be university, training or employment.”

Sian PikeDirector of Sixth Form

Our Facilities

With the Sixth Form based almost exclusively in the modern Lakeside building we can offer excellent facilities for our students. Alongside regular teaching rooms we have dedicated study areas, a common room, two College science labs, free wifi and extensive computing facilities. Students also have access to the fitness suite in the sports centre at certain times of the day. A-Level Art is delivered in a dedicated Sixth Form room within the Art department in the main academy building and this room is available for art students to work in outside of their timetabled art lessons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find some commonly asked questions about Kirk Hallam Sixth Form. If you have a question about us and don’t see the answer here please contact us and we promise to get back to you as soon as we can.

I’m in Year 11 at a different school, can I apply to join Kirk Hallam Sixth Form?
We are delighted to accept applications from anyone who is serious about wanting to do their very best at A-level. We encourage applications from students from other schools because everyone benefits from meeting new friends and having new people to work alongside.
How do I get to Kirk Hallam Sixth Form?
Some will choose to use the existing school buses. Alternatively, for those who live too far away to walk or cycle we are on a number of different bus routes with regular services – e.g. Black Cat, Ilkeston Flyer, 21, 23. Older students are able to use their cars or motorbikes.
Do Kirk Hallam Sixth Formers have to wear uniform?
No. All we ask is that our students dress appropriately for a place of work. Clothes should be clean, tidy and should not be distracting to others.
Do you have to pay to go to Sixth Form?
No. Sixth Form education is free of charge.
Does the Sixth Form do night classes or any part-time courses?
No. We offer full-time A-level courses in school hours to students who are between 16 and 18. We do offer the Extended Project and Duke of Edinburgh Award in addition to A-Levels.
Is food available?
Yes. Food is served in the school hall and the nearby Sandwich Bar at lunchtime. Cold drinks are available from the common room vending machine throughout the day.
Is it possible to get an apprenticeship after Sixth Form? I don’t want to go to university.
Yes. Not everyone wants to go to university when they finish their A-levels. Some people go straight into work and others into an apprenticeship. A-levels are valued by employers and trainers just as much as they are by universities so even if you have decided at an early age that university isn’t for you (and remember, you might change your mind) it would be foolish not to consider A-levels if you have the ability to succeed with them.
Can you get to the ‘best’ universities from Sixth Form?
Yes. Many of our students have gained places at the top universities in the country, including Oxford, Cambridge, Durham etc.
Can you get money for studying at the Sixth Form?
Students from families below an income of £30,000 can apply for the discretionary bursary which can provide help with expenses for their studies. The bursary policy for 2023–2024 can be found here and applications are made online by scanning the QR code in the policy. Proof of household income will have to be supplied.
Is it possible to have a part-time job and still go to Sixth Form?
Yes, but the emphasis has to be on the ‘part-time’. Our students are full-time and so any employment has to be in the evening or at the weekend and we recommend just one evening a week and one day at the weekend as the maximum you should take on. A-levels demand a lot of your time!
What are class sizes like?
Around 15 is the average class size.
Is there homework?
Oh yes! A-levels are much harder than GCSEs and a big difference is the amount of independent study they require. You are expected to do homework as this is a very important part of your learning but you are also expected to do your own reading about your subject, even when formal homework hasn’t been set. Notes made in class should also be reviewed regularly.
Does everyone who fills in an application form get in?
No. We only do A-level courses (and re-sit GCSE maths or English Language) and A-levels are not the way forward for everyone. We will look at your projected GCSE grades, your references and how you come across at interview and make a decision about whether or not to offer you a place. All offers are on the condition that the necessary grades are gained at GCSE and some offers require a student to undergo a ‘trial’ period to see how well they cope with the demands of A-level study.
How many subjects should I take?
Most Year 12 students are required to choose 3 A-level subjects and some also choose to study 4 — we will discuss this with you.
Do I have to attend every day?

Yes. You will have a personal tutor who will help you settle in to Sixth Form life and who will be there for you every morning to offer support, guidance and encouragement. The relationship you build with your tutor is such an important part of our support and guidance system that attendance to the daily tutor period is compulsory.

There is a clear link between attendance and success so we require our students to aim for 100% attendance to all of their lessons. Of course there are times when absence is unavoidable but we expect our students to demonstrate they are serious about their studies by keeping absences to an absolute minimum.

Do you get any free periods?
Yes, but we prefer to call them study periods. You are expected to attend all of your timetabled sessions but we also expect you to make productive use of your study periods. We have private study facilities and up to date ICT systems with fast, free, wireless broadband.
Can you bring your car on site?
If you’ve passed your test and you take it away with you at the end of the working day, yes! All drivers must, of course, drive considerately and park only in designated spaces.
Can you guarantee I will be able to do all of the subjects I want to?
A big advantage of being a relatively small sixth form is the high level of individual support we are able to offer our students. However, a disadvantage of our size is that sometimes a student’s first choice combination of subjects doesn’t fit in the timetable. We will always do our best to make sure that everyone is able to study the subjects they want to but a few may find that they need to choose an alternative 4th choice subject because their original clashes with one of their other choices. (A ‘clash’ is where two subjects are being taught throughout the week at the same times in the timetable.) Only very rarely are we unable to find a solution the student is happy with.

Apply Now for September 2025

The application process for September 2025 entry is open: please fill out the form below to apply.

Please complete all the fields on the application form and ensure you enter a valid e-mail address so that we can contact you.

Please read through this form carefully before you start to complete it. You will be required to complete your personal details, information about your qualifications and your provisional course choices.

This form is used to collect information regarding your application to Kirk Hallam Sixth Form and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Section A: Personal Details

Please provide your legally registered names.

Permanent Home Address

Parent/Carer Contact Details

Emergency Contact Details

Only if different from Parent/Carer above.

Section B: Guidance Details

Section C: Subject Choices

Students will study 3 subjects but the most academically able can choose 4 if necessary. Please note that certain subject combinations may be restricted by the Academy timetable.

All Year 12 students are strongly encouraged to complete either an EPQ or study Level 3 Core Maths in Year 12. Please indicate an initial preference between these below.

Section D: About You

Current Subjects

Please list below the subjects you are studying at present and your most up to date projected grade for each.

SubjectPredicted Grade

Section E: Statement

Please read the following statements carefully before ticking the box to confirm:

  • I have provided a response to every section of this application form, unless no response was required.
  • I have discussed this application with my parents.
  • I understand that I may be required to attend an interview.