
Exam Board: AQA

Course content - Year 12

Project 1

Ageing and Growth, Details of Nature, Memories and Mementoes, Urban Life and Architecture

Skill building unit which includes drawing, printing, painting, 3D and photography as well as a range of other processes and materials.  Coursework - Sketchbook. Demonstration of observational skills and exploration of a number of themes to allow you to experiment with a range of media materials and techniques.

A Level Units

Unit 1 - Art & Design Coursework, practical work, 1000-3000 word Assignment – 60% - September until January.  Unit 2 - Art & Design Externally set assignment – 40% exam February until May. To include a 15 hr exam.

Special Features of this course

You will explore visual language through observational drawing and experimentation with a range of disciplines, which can include painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, graphics and Art textiles as well as alternative materials such as special effects.  You can work in one or more of the disciplines for all the Units.  You can produce original and creative artwork to illustrate your own individual thoughts and feelings, observations and ideas.  You will have the opportunity to attend gallery visits, take part in Artist workshops and life drawing sessions.  As part of your course you will be taught by several tutors that will ensure your programme is varied and you can access specialist skills.


Coursework/portfolio – 60%.  Externally set assignment – 40%.


General Sixth Form admission requirements plus a grade 5 or above in GCSE Art although a closely linked subject at GCSE will be considered, such as D&T or Textiles.  you will also need a high quality art portfolio.

Where can it lead?

Future pathways - This course can lead directly onto certain degree courses as well as art foundation courses. For more information on this please speak to the art department.

Art, Craft & Design is a very broad area of experience and offers opportunities to enter the world of Graphics, Fine Art, Theatre Design, Architecture, History of Art, Teaching, Industrial Design, Art Therapy, Fine Artist, Illustration, Animation,  Advertising, Wallpaper Designer, Metal worker, Industrial Designer, Ceramics Designer, Exhibition Designer, Special Effects Make up Artist. Fashion Designer, Game Artist, Jewellery Designer, Shoe Designer, Medical Illustrator, Community Arts Officer, Photographer, Production Designer, Stage Designer, Costume Designer, Web Designer as well as many other career paths. Art, Craft and Design is also a fantastic skill to be able to offer any employer for any career and could make you stand out in the competitive jobs market.