Religious Studies
Philosophy of religion
- Ancient philosophical influences – Plato + Aristotle
- The nature of the soul, mind and body
- Arguments about the existence or non-existence of God
- The nature and impact of religious experience
- The challenge for religious belief of the problem of evil
- Ideas about the nature of God
- Issues in religious language.
- Normative ethical theories – Utilitarianism/ Natural Law/ Kantian Ethics
- The application of ethical theory to two contemporary issues of importance
- Ethical language and thought
- Debates surrounding the significant idea of conscience
- Sexual ethics and the influence on ethical thought of developments in religious beliefs.
Developments in religious thought
- Religious beliefs, values and teachings, their interconnections and how they vary historically and in the contemporary world
- Sources of religious wisdom and authority
- Practices which shape and express religious identity, and how these vary within a tradition
- Significant social and historical developments in theology and religious thought
- Key themes related to the relationship between religion and society
100% exam
General Sixth Form admission requirements.
Where can it lead?
Access to higher education. Primarily useful for a degree course in Philosophy but the intellectual and analytical skills you acquire equip you for a wide range of courses and careers. Many students have gone on to work in education, journalism, the law, government, publishing, social work, local government, and management and financial consultancy.