
Have you ever looked at something and thought how does that work? A-level Physics generates many exciting questions and the opportunity to prove new theories as new discoveries are made. Physics studies range in scale from massive objects such as galaxies to the tiniest atom particles! This A-Level Physics course will cover everything from Newton’s law of gravity to the frequency of electromagnetic waves and the orbits of planets. You’ll qualify with a solid understanding of physics to prepare you for higher education.

Measurements and their errors

Particles and radiation


Mechanics and materials


Further mechanics and thermal physics



You’ll be required to complete three standard A-Level written exams.

Paper 1: 2 hours, 34% of A-Level, 85 marks.

Paper 2: 2 hours, 34% of A-Level, 85 marks.

Paper 3: 2 hours, 32% of A-Level, 80 marks.

These exams contain a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions, data analysis and extended response questions.


General Sixth Form admission requirements plus a grade 5 or above in GCSE Mathematics and a minimum of two 6 grades in GCSE Science subjects.

Where can it lead?

On this A level Physics course, you’ll discover how physical science contributes to society and functions in the world. You’ll also gain a range of skills in data interpretation, investigation, and evaluation, which are transferable to any career you progress to. A-level Physics builds on the concepts and skills developed in GCSE Physics and is also suitable for students who have a GCSE Additional Science course or equivalent.